don't think it reflects on the others, it brings the force into disrepute but bad actions only reflect badly on those committing them or any who cover it up.
Without this distinction then the argument that criminals reflect on all the others in a community of the same race becomes valid which it should not. The criminals are the criminals whatever color they happen to be and whatever shirt they happen to wear.
The problem is that for both police and color people seem unable to separate condemnation of individuals with condemnation of the group. People want to blame all black people. People want to blame all police. Neither are valid or fair.
This is a far better way to say what I was thinking. What I meant was it reflects on the group as a whole. Much better phrasing, I'm saving this for future use if you don't mind.
as far as the bit about tasers. I've been thinking about this back and forth for a few months and, again, I just can't seem to decide a position to take.
On the one hand, the police need guns as a deterrent to being assaulted and to adequately try to defend not just themselves but innocents. This is especially true in America, where not knowing if the assailant may have a weapon (specifically a gun) is a huge variable since the 2nd ammendment makes it possible for anyone to get a gun as long as they've never been convicted of crimes or diagnosed with mental instability. Even in such cases, getting around these restrictions is laughably easy.
on the other hand, would a little faith in society (as much as I hate that word now) go a long way? Might we find that people actually respect police MORE if they are unarmed? And should violence ignite against police, on what possible foundation could such a position be based when the targets of the criticism have no means of being oppressive?
perhaps the ability of truly armed response to society should only be available to the national guard or some other agency to be called in during such times.